NeuroMMSig Introduction Why is different? Biological Expression Language (BEL) Methodology Enrichment algorithm Mechanisms


Multimodal Mechanistic Signatures Database for Neurodegenerative Diseases (NeuroMMSig) is designed to allow users to retrieve candidate mechanisms, represented as chains of cause and effect graphs, that fits best to any pattern of experimental data (e.g., gene or SNP set, or a list of imaging features). NeuroMMSig has also been enriched with drug information offering feasible drugs that could be a target for the proposed mechanisms. NeuroMMSig integration of different data scales allows to find the most meaningful mechanisms which suit or better explain the experimental data. This can lead to patient stratification based on data and personilized medicine based on mechanism identification.


NeuroMMSig offers a web interface where users can submit data to infer mechanistic signatures in the context of neurodegenerative diseases. NeuroMMSig allows submission of multiscale data from molecular to clinical level to return mechanisms that fit best the data. NeuroMMSig is inspired from Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB), Broad Institute and the models underlying the server are coded in the Biological Expression Language (BEL).

How NeuroMMSig is different from MSigDB

Figure 1. Comparison of the neutrophin signaling pathway between Alzheimer's disease BEL model and Canonical KEGG pathway. Red edges represent pathological state and green edge normal state. Amyloid beta associates with NGFR to inhibit neuron survival signals leading to neuron death in Alzheimer's (Kodamullil et al., 2015 & Kanehisa and Goto, 2000).

What is BEL?

A short introduction to BEL can be find here link. BEL is a language especially designed to represent scientific knowledge in a computable form by capturing causal and correlative relationships in context. In the neurodegenerative disease field, BEL is able to store additional information such as which of relationship exists between the biological entities acting, evidences supporting this relationship in the literature and many other specific annotations such as experiment conditions. Besides, BEL facilitates integration of multiple data types through its flexible and human readable syntax. Therefore, we found BEL ideal to build the models that made the core of NeuroMMSig.


As a first step to group the BEL statements from the models by mechanistic/pathway information.

Manual Annotation

The main aim was to identify mechanistic subnetworks from the models. The procedure was the following: After this procedure, we have used this list as a guideline together with other pathway repositories and text mining tools to annotate each BEL statement in the model, as follows:
SET Citation = {"PubMed", "J Mol Med", "12682725"}
SET Evidence = "high-dose steroid treatment decreases vascular inflammation and ischemic tissue damage after myocardial infarction and stroke through direct vascular effects involving the nontranscriptional activation of eNOS"
SET Species = "9606” #Taxonomy ID- Homo sapiens
SET Tissue = "Vascular System”
SET Disease = "Stroke“
SET Subgraph = “Inflammatory response subgraph”
a(CHEBI:corticosteroid) -| bp(MESHD:"Inflammation")
We considered both, entities as well as relationships to annotate a BEL statement with a subgraph name. For isntance, in case of APP -> "Amyloid beta", we have annotated as "Amyloidogenic subgraph" but in case of APP -| "Amyloid beta", we have annotated as "Non-amyloidogenic subgraph".

Enrichment ranking algorithm

After data submission, NeuroMMSig enrichment ranking algorithm calculates an enrichment score for the data-mapped subgraphs. The enrichment ranking algorithm returns a list of subgraphs with their correspondent scores and metadata information. Following, more details about the algorithm.

The enrichment algorithm evaluates a score given three different scores and their corresponding weights (equation 1). Weights are defined on a zero to one range and they can be set in the submission form of the NeuroMMSig server.

Equation 1. The enrichment score (s) is based on the sum the three scores.
The enrichment score consists of three scores each of those focuses on different aspects of the network. Following, we provide a detailed description of each of the scores.

Mechanisms in subgraphs:

What do we call a mechanism?

“A chain of causes and effects forms a pathophysiological context, where minor dysregulation of molecular events may aggregate at a network level and lead to a pathological deviation from the normal state (Hofmann-Apitius et al., 2015)".

Once data is mapped to the subgraphs, we can identify the different ways the data-mapped nodes dysrupt a particular node of interest such a biological process. For more detail about how NeuroMMSig might identify possible dysregulated paths in the networks, please visit "How to use NeuroMMSig" section.


Gu, Z. et al. (2012) Centrality-based pathway enrichment: a systematic approach for finding significant pathways dominated by key genes. BMC systems biology 6.1: 56.

Joy, M. P. et al. (2005) High-betweenness proteins in the yeast protein interaction network. BioMed Research International. 2: 96-103

Kanehisa, Minoru, and Susumu Goto. (2000) KEGG: kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes. Nucleic acids research 28.1 : 27-30.

Khatri, P. et al. (2012) Ten years of pathway analysis: current approaches and outstanding challenges. PLoS Comput Biol 8.2 e1002375

Kodamullil, A. et al. (2015) Computable cause-and-effect models of healthy and Alzheimer's disease states and their mechanistic differential analysis. Alzheimer's & Dementia 11.11 : 1329-1339.

Martin Hofmann-Apitius et al. (2015) Bioinformatics Mining and Modeling Methods for the Identification of Disease Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Disorders. eng. In: Int J Mol Sci 16.12, pp. 29179–29206. doi: 10.3390/ijms161226148. url: